Puṇṇiya Sutta (The Venerable Puṇṇiya) AN 8.82
Issāsaṅga Pañha (Inquiring about ‘The Archer’) Mil. 7.8.7
Samatha Sutta (Internal Serenity) AN 10.54
Nibbānasukha Sutta (The Bliss that is Nibbāna) AN 9.34
Akkosa Sutta (The Verbal Abuser) SN 7.2
Khaggavisāṇa Sutta (The Horned Rhinoceros) Snp 1.3
Tatiya Anāgatabhaya Sutta (On Terrors to Come– Part 3) AN 5.79
Āṇi Sutta (Discourse on the Drum-Peg) SN 20.7
Kassaka Sutta (The Farmer) SN 4.19
Brahmāyācana Sutta (The Brahma God’s Request) SN 6.1
Sammā Diṭṭhi Sutta (Discourse on Right View) MN 9
Bhayabherava Sutta (Threats and Fears) MN 4
Satta Sutta (What Is a Sentient Being), SN 23.2
Māra Sutta (Who or What is Māra?) SN 23.1
Tayodhamma Sutta (The Three Things) AN 10.76
Assutavā Sutta (The Unlearned in the Dhamma) SN 12.61
Mahā Kammavibhaṅga Sutta (Greater and Detailed Classification of Intentional Actions) MN 136
Aṭṭhakanāgara Sutta (Discourses at Aṭṭhakanāgara) AN 11.16
Cūḷa Taṇhāsaṅkhaya Sutta (Shorter Discourse on the Destruction of Craving) MN 37
Brahmā Nimantaṇika Sutta (Challenging & Instructing the Brahma Gods) MN 49
Devadatta Vipatti Sutta (Devadatta’s Failure) AN 8.7
Poṭṭhapāda Sutta (Discourse to Poṭṭhapāda) DN 9
Āhāra Sutta (That Which Nourishes) SN 46.51
Cūḷapanthaka Thera (Therāgathā - Verses of the Elder Bhikkhus) Thag. 10.4
Upasena Āsīvisa Sutta (The Venerable Upasena and the Snake) SN 35.69
Sāriputta Sutta (The Venerable Sāriputta) AN 3.33
Naḷakalāpī Sutta (Bundles of Reeds) SN 12.67
Meghiya Sutta (The Venerable Meghiya) AN 9.3
Bhaya Sutta (Discourse on Fear) AN 10.92
Lomasakaṅgiya Bhaddekaratta Sutta (Lomasakaṅgiya & ‘The Ideal Lover of Solitude’) MN 134
Anicca Saññā Sutta (Perception of Impermanence) SN 22.102
Dutiya Anuruddha Sutta (The Venerable Anuruddha – Part 2) AN 3.130
Samudaya Sutta (The Arising) SN 47.42
Amata Sutta (The Deathless) SN 47.41
Pheṇapiṇḍūpama Sutta (A Bulge of Foam) SN 22.95
Dutiya Gaddulabhaddha Sutta (The Leash – Part 2) SN 22.100
Mahā Nidāna Sutta (The Great Discourse on the Principle of Causation) DN 15
Sīha Sutta (To General Sīha) AN 8.12
Sattasūriya Sutta (Discourse on the Seven Suns) AN 7.66
Nagaropama Sutta (Comparable to a Fortress) AN 7.67
Sūda Sutta (Simile of the Kitchen Chef) SN 47.8
Kakacūpama Sutta (Discourse on the Simile of the Saw) MN 21
Atthirāga Sutta (When Passion is Present) SN 12.64
Verañjā Sutta (At Verañjā) AN 8.11
Moḷiyaphagguna Sutta (Discourse to the Venerable Moḷiyaphagguna) SN 12.12
Ṭhiti Sutta (Becoming Stuck) AN 10.53
Paṭhama Natumhāka Sutta (“They’re Not Yours!” - Part 1) SN 35.101
Āsīvisopama Sutta (Simile of the Deadly Snakes) SN 35.238
Cetanākaraṇī Sutta (Not Needing the Intention) AN 10.2
Kimatthiya Sutta (The Purpose) AN 10.1
Kosala Sutta (In Kosala) or (The Removal of the Arrow of Grief) AN 5.49
Khajjanīya Sutta (On Being Harassed) SN 22.79
Paṭhama Samudda Sutta (Simile of the Ocean – Part 1) SN 35.228
Janapadakalyāṇī Sutta (The Most Beautiful Young Woman) SN 47.20
Yuganaddha Sutta (Both Combined) AN 4.170
Ānandattheragāthā (Verses of the Venerable Ānanda) Thag. 17.3
Paṭhama Mahānāma Sutta (Discourse to Mahānāma – Part 1) SN 55.21
Yamaka Sutta (Discourse to The Venerable Yamaka) SN 22.85
Vimuttāyatana Sutta (Ways of Attaining Release) AN 5.26
Gotamī Sutta (Mahāpajāpati Gotamī) AN 8.51
Uposatha Vagga (Section on Observing the Full Moon Uposatha) AN VIII, Suttas 41-50
Icchānaṅgala Sutta (Icchānaṅgala Sutta) SN 54.11
Mahāsaḷāyatanika Sutta (The Great Discourse on the Six Sense Spheres) MN 149
Paṭhama Maraṇassati Sutta (Mindfulness of Death – Part 1) AN 8.73
Sakuṇagghi Sutta (Simile of the Hawk) SN 47.6
Aggikkhandhopama Sutta (A Blazing Bonfire) AN 7.72
Raṭṭhapāla Sutta (Raṭṭhapāla) MN 82
Araka Sutta (The Teacher Araka) AN 7.74
Bhāvanā Sutta (Dedication to Cultivating the Mind) AN 7.71
Hirī Ottappa Sutta (Wise Moral Shame & Wise Moral Fear) AN 7.65
Anusaya Sutta (The Underlying Drives) SN 51.81
Bhūmija Sutta (To Bhumija) SN 12.25
Cūḷa Suññatā Sutta (Shorter Discourse on Emptiness) MN 121
Bhagavā Mūlaka Sutta (Rooted in The Blessed One) AN 10.58
Mahā Hatthipadopama Sutta (Greater Discourse on The Elephant’s Footprint) MN 28
Puṇṇakamāṇavapucchā Sutta (Venerable Puṇṇaka’s Questions) Snp. 5.4
Samādhi Bhāvana Sutta (Developing the Collectedness of Mind) AN 4.41
Sussūsati Sutta (Desiring to Listen) AN 6.88
Āvaraṇa Sutta (Obstructions) AN 6.86
Puttamaṁsa Sutta (The Son’s Flesh) SN 12.63
Samiddhi Sutta (With Venerable Samiddhi) SN 1.20
Tissa Brahmā Sutta (Tissa, the Brahmā) AN 7.56
Āmagandha Sutta (The Stench of Decomposing Flesh) Snp. 2.2
Dutiya Dvayam Sutta (The Dyad – Part 2) SN 35.93
Mettāsahagata Sutta (Radiating Universally Benevolent Loving Kindness) SN 46.54
Dutiya Saññā Sutta (On Perceptions - Part 2) AN 7.49
Sekha Sutta (The Noble Disciple in Training) MN 53
Yoniso Manasikāra Sampadā Sutta (Accomplishment of Radical Attention) SN 45.55
Dutiya Gelañña Sutta (The Sick Bay - Part 2) SN 36.8
Paṭhama Gelañña Sutta (The Sick Bay - Part 1) SN 36.7
Paṭhama Dārukkhandha Sutta (The Log - Part 1) SN 35.241
Cetanā Sutta (Intentionality) SN 12.38
Naḷakalāpī Sutta (Bundles of Reeds) SN 12.67
Uraga Sutta (The Snake) Snp. 1.1
Cunda Sutta (To Cunda) Snp. 1.5
Tatiyaanāgatabhaya Sutta (Terrors to come - Part 3) AN 5.79
Phagguṇa Sutta (With the Venerable Phagguṇa) AN 6.56
Methuna Sutta (On Sexual Lust) AN 7.50
Vijaya Sutta (Victory) Snp. 1.11
Cūḷa Suññatā Sutta (Shorter Discourse on Emptiness) MN 121
Maṅgala Sutta (Greatest of Blessings) Snp. 2.4
Dāna Mahāpphala Sutta (Giving a Great Fruitful Gift) AN 7.52
Bhūmija Sutta (To Bhūmija) SN 12.25
Salaḷāgāra Sutta (The Frankincense-tree Hut) SN 52.8
Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta (Discourse on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness) MN 10
Nandakovāda Sutta (The Venerable Nandaka’s Instruction) MN 146
Saṁyoga Sutta (On Joining & Splitting) AN 7.51
Salla Sutta (The Arrow) SN 36.6
Paṭhamasaṃvāsa Sutta (On Living Together - Part 1) AN 4.53
Kasibhāradvāja Sutta (The Farmer Bhāradvāja) Snp. 1.4
Bhikkhuni Sutta (Discourse to a Bhikkhuni) AN 4.159
Mahā Suññata Sutta (Greater Discourse on Emptiness) MN 122
Mahā Parinibbāna Sutta (The Great Discourse on Lord Buddha’s Final Release) DN 16 (Complete)
Mahā Rahulovāda Sutta (Greater Discourse on the Advice to the Venerable Rāhula) MN 62
Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion) SN 56.11
Sota Sutta (Attentive Listener) AN 5.140
Paṭhama Rahogata Sutta (In Seclusion – Part 1) SN 52.1
Vibhaṅga Sutta (An Explanation) SN 12.2
Sabbāsava Sutta (All the Mental Contaminants) MN 2
Upanisa Sutta (Closely Tied To) SN 12.23
Nissāraṇīya Sutta (Elements to be Driven Out) AN 6.13
Kummopama Sutta (The Tortoise Simile) SN 35.240
Āneñja Sutta (Immovable States) AN 3.116
Mahānāma Sutta (Mahānāma, the Sakyan) AN 6.10
Māluṅkyaputta Sutta (On Māluṅkyaputta) SN 35.95
Cūḷavedalla Sutta (Shorter Discourse on a Series of Clarifications) MN 44
Kesaputtiya (Kālama) Sutta (Discourse to the Kālamas) AN 3.65
Catukka Sañcetanā Sutta (Discourse on Intentions) AN 4.171
Dutiya Kāmabhū Sutta (With Kāmabhū – Part 2) SN 41.6
Paṭhama Rohitassa Sutta (To Rohitassa: Son of the Gods - Part 1) AN 4.45
Kassapa Bojjhaṅga Sutta (Kassapa & the Seven Factors of Awakening) SN 46.14
Saṃyojana Sutta (Discourse on the Fetters) SN 41.1
Pañcaṅgika Sutta (Discourse on the Five-Factored) AN 5.28
Upakkilesa Sutta (Discourse on the Deceptions in the Mind) MN 128
Jāṇussoṇi Sutta (Discourse to Jāṇussoṇi: “So, Who’s Getting All the Merits?”) AN 10.177
Culagosinga Sutta (The Shorter Discourse in Gosinga) MN 31
Majjhe Sutta (Discourse on “the Middle,” aka “The Seamstress”) AN 6.61
Ratana Sutta (The Jewel Discourse) Snp 2.1
Āsava Sutta (Mental Contaminants) AN 6.58
Soṇa Sutta (With Soṇa) AN 6.55
Vīmaṁsaka Sutta (Examination) MN 47
Pacalāyamāna Sutta (Dozing Off) AN 7.61
Puṇṇovāda Sutta (Advice to Venerable Puṇṇa) MN 145
Anuruddhamahāvitakka Sutta (Anuruddha’s Thoughts of a Great Man) AN 8.30
Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta (The Great Discourse on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness) DN 22
Mahākaccāna Bhaddekaratta Sutta (Mahākaccāna’s Exposition on “The Ideal Lover of Solitude”) MN 133
Ānāpānasati Sutta (Discourse on the Mindfulness of In & Out Breathing) MN 118
Madhupiṇḍika Sutta (The Honey Ball Discourse) MN 18
Sihanāda Sutta (The Lion’s Roar) AN 9.11
Khemaka Sutta (With Khemaka) SN 22.89
Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta (Discourse on the Nature of Non-Substantiality) SN 22.59
Ādittapariyāya Sutta (Discourse on Everything is Burning) SN 35.28
Devaduta Sutta (The Divine Messengers, i.e. “On The Great Hell”) MN 130
Pāyāsi Sutta (Prince Pāyāsi) DN 23
Anāthapiṇḍikovāda Sutta (Advice to Anāthapiṇḍika) MN 143
Paṭhama Niddasa Sutta (True Measure for Seniority – Part 1) AN 7.42
Dutiya Niddasa Sutta (True Measure for Seniority – Part 2) AN 7.43
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